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Where there has been physical or emotional pain, energy can stagnate in the body and these energy blocks may cause illness. Energy healing assists in the flow of energy and removes blockages similar to accupuncture.

The practitioner places their hands on or over a certain place on the body or visualizes the area through distance healing, and a transfer of energy takes place.

The healing effects are transferred by channeling the universal energy known as qi, pronounced ‘chi’ or ‘prana’ in India. This is the same energy involved in tai chai. This life force energy is believed to surround us all.

Reiki can aid in relaxation, emotional stress and improve overall being.

“I’ve been receiving distance sessions from Paula for the past year. She’s amazing. Paula has the unique ability to read my body, send me healing energy and make practical suggestions to me. I am always surprised at how intuitive she is. My emotional, mental and physical health has improved immensely.”

— Darlene G., Calgary, Alberta

Explore My Other Healing Modalities


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Holographic Healing

This is a technique used to assist the body in healing itself through intention, quantum energy, and visualization.

The process involves going into the physical, emotional and spiritual body and rearranging it when something is out of balance. Focus is placed on the emotional cause of the dis-ease as it can become stuck in the body causing a block age in the energy flow.

The intention is to cultivate the body’s ability in returning it to its form of alignment and balance.

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Selenite Sword Activation

The selenite sword is used to pour high frequency light into the physical body to transmute negative energy and resolve health issues.

The swords help to open up and balance chakras, clear energy bodies, stimulate meridians, magnify intentions and increase the overall power and accuracy of healing. They also raise the frequency of our physical and energy systems.

The ankh is an Egyptian symbol representing creation itself. When used in conjunction with the sword, it magnifies the energy.